Bug Season

The closing of the winter season inevitably leads to… bug season (i.e. spring, summer, and most of fall). Every year I get so excited about bare rocks, longer days, and blooming flora and every year I forget that all this means… bugs. Most bugs will bite you; creating itchy reminders of their presence for days to come. All bugs will try and invade your personal space; making a home of your hair, dive-bombing your eyes, and crawling up your socks. A trail overrun with bugs can suck the fun out of every moment spent outdoors but precautions can be taken to reclaim some fun and peace on the trails. Here are some tips to keep the bugs at bay out on your next hike.

Long Layers

Cover up whatever you can.

  • Use a buff to cover your ears
  • Wear a light weight, long sleeve sun-shirt to protect your arms and chest
  • Wear trail pants if weather permits
  • If you have long hair, consider wearing it down to cover your neck. If you don’t have long hair, consider draping a tee shirt over your shoulders to protect your neck. Another option would be a hat with a cape that folds out from the brim.

Avoid Tight Fitting Clothing

Opting for leggings or a tightly fitting shirt instead of a loose fitting alternative will allow the bugs to get closer to your skin. Believe it or not, they can bite right through the fabric.

Don’t Skip the Sunglasses

Wearing sun glasses, or any other type of large lens eyewear, will thwart the efforts of most bugs trying to dive bomb your eyes. A baseball cap is also handy for keeping some insects away from your face.

Spray from the Ground Up

When applying bug spray also spray your socks and shoes to help prevent insects like ticks which will try and attack from the ground up.

Keep Moving

While this won’t work for black flies and horseflies who seemingly stalk you down the whole trail, most bugs can be left in the dust if you pick up your pace. Walking fast or even running will leave you less susceptible to bugs than were you simply standing still. Take your breaks fast in bug season!

Consider a Net

Lastly, if all of the above still isn’t enough to keep the insects at bay, consider a net. You can find hats with built in nets, full body nets, and nets that can be put over an existing hat to keep the creepy crawlers away from your head.

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