The NH Hike Safe Card

I first heard about the NH Hike Safe Card from a YouTuber who mentioned they had one. They talked about how the card contained a list of safety items that the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department implores you to carry such as rain pants, a compass, a whistle, etc. I thought it was merely an educational tool and, having a pretty strong memory, scoffed at the concept, wondering why I’d ever waste the paper to print it out versus just committing the 10 named essentials to memory. What I didn’t realize, however, is that it is in fact an insurance policy.

The revenue generated from the purchase of Hike Safe Cards goes directly to the NH Fish and Game Search and Rescue Fund. With $25 for an individual or $35 dollars for a family, people recreating outdoors are insuring themselves against having to pay for search and rescue efforts should such an event be necessary. It is valid not just for hikers but also skiers, paddlers, runners, and all sorts of outdoorsman. Costs for an emergency rescue can reach up to $10,000.00 and much like many events you purchase insurance for, you never think it’ll happen to you but if it does, you’re glad you bought the insurance. New Hampshire law states that the only events in which a card holder is required to pay for their own rescue efforts is if a) alcohol was involved in creating the need for the emergency rescue b) you’ve taken another person hostage or c) if you recklessly or intentionally created the need for a rescue (Section 153-A:24, Title XII Public Safety And Welfare).

The hike safe card unfortunately does not cover your furry friends that accompany you on trail but check out one of my other articles on other ways you can be prepared to rescue your own pup.

More information on the Hike Safe Card can be found on their website. Happy Trails!