Hiking Gear Update: Fido Pro

My latest piece of hiking gear is something I hope to never use. Emergency gear is funny that way; adding weight to our packs but we’re happy to bring it because the unlikely alternative is being super sorry you didn’t.

I recently purchased the Fido Pro dog rescue harness for a couple reasons. The first being that I am on my journey to finish the NH 48 4000 footers and the few I have left are some of the longest on the list. We never leave our dog home when we hike now and so 15+ miles is a long way to carry him if something were to go wrong. The second reason is because I know he’s not the only dog we ever encounter on the trails. Whether it’s my dog or someone else’s furry friend, I’d be happy to be able to utilize this harness for any rescue.

The harness allows you to wear your dog backpack style, even featuring adjustable straps. Alternatively, the weight can be shared by several people using the straps as holds. I added it to my bag for my most recent hike, up Mt. Washington, and the weight was pretty negligible. Being that it was a rainy day and the terrain was slippery, I felt safer knowing that were anything to happen, I could set Fido Pro up in a matter of seconds.